Delivery Damage Complaint Form

Point of Contact

Please enter first name.
Please enter last name.
Please enter address.
Please enter address.
Please enter city.
Please enter state (abbreviation only).
Please enter zip/postal code.

Please enter a valid phone number.

Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter an email address.
Please enter a matching email address.

Additional Claim Recipients

Add Recipient

Truck Information

Truck Location

Please enter address.
Please enter address.
Please enter city.
Please enter state (abbreviation only).
Please enter zip/postal code.

Morgan Body Serial Number Information

Please enter a seven or more digit number.
Morgan Canada Corporation truck body serial number plate location on truck

Morgan Body Legacy Serial Number Information

Please enter a five digit number.
Please enter a three digit number.
Morgan Canada Corporation truck body legacy serial number plate location on truck

Does this claim involve multiple trucks?

Delivery Damage Complaint Details

Please attach a copy of the delivery receipt along with any photos showing the damage. If you need to attach multiple photos, press and hold down CTRL (on PC) or Command (on Apple) and then click each photo.
Delivery receipt along with any photos showing the damage required for warranty review.

Does the damage being reported involve the chassis? (required)

Does the damage being reported involve the body? (required)